2021-07-07 15:11:10 UTC
Laugh Out Loud ·
Posted by Douglas Porter June 29
Saint Peter is on duty at the Pearly Gates when a man turns up, gives
his name, and the Saint looks in the book and says: “Sorry, it’s not
looking good here, I don’t know if I can let you in. But just in case
the Recording Angel missed anything — can you think of any good reason
why I should let you in? Anything especially good you ever did?”
And the man says “On earth I was a commercial traveller, and I pulled
into a lay-by one time to see a gang of bikers harassing this young
woman. Things seemed to be getting a bit serious, so I grabbed a tyre
iron out of my car, I smacked the biggest one of them around the ear,
and I said ‘All right, you bunch of c***s, leave this girl alone or
you’re going to have to deal with me!’ “
“That sounds impressive, I’m surprised the Angel missed it,” says Saint
Peter. “When did this happen?”
“…About three minutes ago,” says the man.
Posted by Douglas Porter June 29
Saint Peter is on duty at the Pearly Gates when a man turns up, gives
his name, and the Saint looks in the book and says: “Sorry, it’s not
looking good here, I don’t know if I can let you in. But just in case
the Recording Angel missed anything — can you think of any good reason
why I should let you in? Anything especially good you ever did?”
And the man says “On earth I was a commercial traveller, and I pulled
into a lay-by one time to see a gang of bikers harassing this young
woman. Things seemed to be getting a bit serious, so I grabbed a tyre
iron out of my car, I smacked the biggest one of them around the ear,
and I said ‘All right, you bunch of c***s, leave this girl alone or
you’re going to have to deal with me!’ “
“That sounds impressive, I’m surprised the Angel missed it,” says Saint
Peter. “When did this happen?”
“…About three minutes ago,” says the man.