Rantz: Mythical Antifa peacefully riot after saying they’d riot, catching Seattle, Portland
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2021-01-21 22:49:15 UTC

Rantz: Mythical Antifa peacefully riot after saying they’d riot,
catching Seattle, Portland off guard
JANUARY 21, 2021 AT 11:09 AM

If Antifa existed, this would be a photo of them committing peaceful
acts of terrorism. (Photo: KIRO 7)
Antifa, the mythical group invented by right-wingers for reasons
unknown, peacefully rioted in Seattle and Portland. Though they posted
flyers on social media saying they would turn violent, some were caught

Joe Biden’s America, am I right?

After several acts of non-violent property destruction and love taps the
police foolishly label “assault,” Seattle police arrested at least two
freedom fighters. Portland police arrested eight, with police clearly
planting a large knife on one of the suspects (who was possibly seen on
video brandishing the “weapon” before police made contact).

In Seattle, the heroic activists valiantly fought to protect Black lives
from police brutality by destroying the storefronts of Starbucks and
Amazon Go, the only retail locations offering jobs Antifa activists are
(barely) qualified for.

Meanwhile, in Portland, Antifa activists rearranged the glass and
exterior of the Democrat Party headquarters with hammers and spray
paint. But this was merely a belated “thank you” to the party that
offered the definitely-not-domestic-terrorists support for six months
last year.

Though Antifa activists used Twitter and Facebook (but not Parler) to
openly plan their non-violent block parties, sharing flyers detailing
their peaceful plans to burn property, some locals and news outlets were
caught off guard by the sheer love and sunshine the groups provided the
Pacific Northwest.

Hours after Joe Biden called for unity, Antifa committed more acts of
domestic terrorism in Seattle & Portland. Should we have seen this
coming? Yes: they literally promote their violent riots… errr, peaceful
protests. I stopped by @foxnewsnight with @shannonbream to discuss.

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 21, 2021

Antifa violence will continue in Seattle and Portland
While Democrats pretend to take political violence seriously, only
calling it out when conservatives infrequently engage in the odious form
of activism, Antifa continues to roam the streets of their communities
committing blatant acts of destruction.

You’ll get a dozen press releases after an “insurrection” at the U.S.
Capitol, but months of nonstop violence will hardly earn a tweet from a
Seattle councilmember. Their inaction in condemning their supporters has

Consequently, aimless, privileged, 20-somethings douse themselves with
too much Axe body spray, leave their parents basement or mother-in-law
apartment in Kirkland or Woodinville for the first time in days, and
descend upon Seattle for destruction. The mostly-white,
Socialist/Progressive degenerates think they’re fighting for a just
cause. Or at least we pretend they do. Many are just looking to cause
problems, disappointed that their lives are directionless.

While Facebook and Twitter claim to take threats seriously, Antifa in
Seattle and Portland openly organize on their platforms.

They don’t hide their intent.

But yeah… Parler is the problem. pic.twitter.com/fM41UrJI2t

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 21, 2021

No consequences for Antifa violence in Seattle or Portland

The violence won’t stop because… why should it? There are no consequences.

Antifa thugs rarely get charged, they have a political establishment
that cheers them on (or ignores their violence), and too many in the
local media is too terrified to call them out directly or pressure
politicians to address the violence. And as Antifa destroys the city,
businesses suffer from the terrorism, while cops are burdened with
absurd complaints for legal arrests that aren’t charged, while engaged
in a thankless job that the city is trying to defund anyway.

Oh, but Seattle (and Portland) takes violence seriously. And Democrats
want unity. Or something.

Targeted arrest of a peaceful protester in nonexistent group of Antifa
after an evening of nonviolent property destruction and flag burning in
Seattle. pic.twitter.com/gyqQYdpGwi

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 21, 2021

Listen to the Jason Rantz Show weekday afternoons from 3-6 p.m. on KTTH
770 AM (or HD Radio 97.3 FM HD-Channel 3). Subscribe to the podcast
here. Follow @JasonRantz on Twitter, Instagram, and Parler and like me
on Facebook.

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max headroom
2021-01-22 16:46:43 UTC
Post by a425couple
Rantz: Mythical Antifa peacefully riot after saying they'd riot,
catching Seattle, Portland off guard...
Mythical, my ass!

2021-01-22 17:22:32 UTC
Post by max headroom
Post by a425couple
Rantz: Mythical Antifa peacefully riot after saying they'd riot,
catching Seattle, Portland off guard...
Mythical, my ass!
Yeah, Rantz's use of satire, can be confusing.
